sekolah kebangsaan sultan ahmad! a very classic name that reminds me of all the sweet memories i had there. well, i enrolled in this school in 1995. mase tu class mawar putih. as far as i remember ade 7 classes kat skolah tu..mawar merah, mawar putih, kenanga, teratai, seroja, bunga raya, bunga inai. from darjah satu-tiga class mawar putih.4-6, mawar merah. cikgu2 class pun ingat lagi tau, 1-cikgu midah,2-cikgu salwana,3-cikgu zainurul zahar zainol(i like his name), 4-cikgu haslinda,5-tak ingat,6-pn rosnani(kot..x sure..). dulu2, bcoz ramai sgt org nama farhana, cikgu2 telah memberi nama samaran kepada saya, farhana zz(zainal zulia).
erm..the sweetest memory harus lah berjumpa en waffi.. disini la tempat saya mengenali en waffiudin ab aziz. satu class since darjah 4 tp knal masa darjah 5 or 6.muahaha. i still remember waffi duduk kat mane dlm class masa darjah 6. blakang skali with zulkarnain n syafiq shukri.. we hardly talk to each other mase tu..but i know he talked about me once with my friend, fatimah. fatimah told me mase darjah 6 yang she asked waffi, 'ko rase sape plg cute dlm class ni?' then waffi said, 'aku rase farhana zz tp ko jgn bgtau die tau' then trus fatimah bgtau saya depan2 waffi. waffi's face turned red and since that day onwards sampai abes skolah we never talked to each other.. saya maseh ingat lg incident itu..tak tau la waffi n fatimah ingat lg ke tak..
dulu2, slalu masuk story telling comp. ade menang ade kalah. i dont really like to write bout this because of sumthing, sumthing la..actually it is kinda related to my stupid chenta monyet..pliz dont get me wrong..i tk berchenta mase skolah rendah..i'm not THAT gatal..
kesimpulannye kan, i really miss all those years..zaman 'you dont have to care what people think of you'(i dont really care pon skarang), zaman takde masalah, zaman life is so simple, zaman takde dendam between friends.eppi jer.. btw, bile bercerite bout skolah rendah with my friends, i realized that we share the same experiences and stories. contoh:
A and B bergaduh n tamau cakap. C is A and B's friend.
A: eh C, kau jgn cakap dengan B tau..kalau tak aku tamau kawan ngan kau..
C: ok.
esoknye, A lupe bawak pencil. B ade pencil extra.
A: B, pinjam pencil bole tak? aku kawan ngan kau balik dah tau.
B:ok..boleh..kita kawan balik k..
haha..mcm gunakan kawan pun ade gak..tapi takpe, budak kecik tak kesah..haha..
p/s: tak suke la life bile dah besar.. prob kna selesai sendiri, n plg tak best kna bayar bills sendiri..huhu.. i hard life will be bile dah kawen n ade family sendiri..huh!