Friday, December 19, 2008

tadika ehsan

hehe..happy!!happy!! dah abes last abes nk cite bout my tadika..tadika ehsan..sgt classic kan nama die..ermm mase ni mule2 gi school la kan..first2 tu masuk class kuning..then i was transfered by the headmistress to the red far as i remember la kan, i was transfered bcoz teacher class kuning tu super emo..i understand la die pregnant, but hello.. ajar budak tadika kot..harus la byk kesabaran kan..she always cubit us n one day she cubit me sampai purple kot..pastu my father asked the headmistress to transfer me to other masuk class merah..tak ingat sgt la pasal tadika ni..

tp i still remember yg i am so scared of this indian girl coz die ade mata batu..takot sgt..erm..n plg ingat ialah mase convo kot(grad tadika), cam kena buat a lot of persembahan. at first my teacher asked me to join the'tarian payung' group. pastu ade special slot for me to sing. i sang 'teratai layu di tasek madu'..mase tu gile gempak lagu ni..then, ade nyanyi lagu bout atok.tapi all the guys tamau belakon jadi atok..konon malu last2 i was chosen to be the atok..haha..i had to borrow my bro's baju melayu color peach n his songkok too.then bawak tongkat..mase tu rambut pendek ala2 boy cut. tgk gambar mmg gelak guling2 la..muahaha.. then masok pertandingan 'pakaian sapa paling cantik'. i wore a white knee length dress yg beropol2.haha..i think i won the second place kot..coz mase naek stage totally lupe nk pose..hahaha..after that ade this boy pakai sut puteh, so my parents and that boy's parents asked us to stand side by side and took our picture together..haha.. is still have all the pictures mase convo kat my tok ma's house..

p/s: secret project dah bermule!!hehe..hush!


njahmat said...

hey syg! am going for a roadtrip ngan Isa, asma, joe and khalis. kitorang gi st louis-nashville-miami-orlando! tak sabar sangat2!!!

farhana zainal said...

best nye...huhu...nk join!!hehe..
fafa tunggu apa gerak baru leh gerak..huhu..

waffi aziz said...

dh lama baru nk comment..